Make Money Online With 20dollars2surf
You want to make money while you surf ? With 20Dollars2Surf, continue to use your computer as you've always done, but in addition, make cash.
Earnings credited to program account, withdrawal paid within 30 days Minimum withdrawal: - $20 Referral bonus to regular member: 10%, 10% for level 2, 10% for level 3, 10% for level 4, 10% for level 5, 10% for level 6, 10% for level 7, 10% for level 8, 10% for level 9, 10% for level 10Script: Original, advanced20Dollar2Surf is a cashbar that lets you earn money by displaying advertising on your computer screen while you surf the internet. The ads you see on 20Dollars2Surf come from online affiliate networks and campaigns from members. We give you 75% of the earnings. We have limit the number of points from the cashbar to 10000 points per month to limit the member who let their PC up all the time. 10000 points represent the double time of an internet user. The points are transform in money the first day of the next month.
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